His Word Never Changes!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: His Word Never Changes!
Text: Isaiah 46:10-11b

10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ 11b What I have said, that I will bring about; what I have planned, that I will do. Amen

One of the surest and most dependable revelations on earth is to know THIS ONE GOD WHO IS (and will always be) FAITHFUL TO HIS WORD. Whatever He says, is exactly what He will do. Outside HIS WORD, HE DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
With the greatest power in the universe vested in His word, one would have thought it will be the most difficult treasure to access, but it’s not.

Even scientists have secrets. They sometimes keep away from “the many”, great formula and experiments that have the potential of producing results whose uncertain effects can have global impact in a matter of seconds. Also, occults and witches have secret books in which they hide certain “powerful” and “dangerous” spells away from the masses to be kept as the private properties of a few who desire “absolute power”.

However, the Word of God, being the greatest and most important source of life and power to all who will only believe, is still the most accessible. The love of God makes this so. It is recorded in the bible, printed in Christian tracts and literature, preached on radio, TV, social media, streets, chapel, offices and everywhere. So that all mankind will know what the will of God is and pursue it. That remains the only way we can live fulfilled lives, have dominion over all things (including evil) and attain eternity with Christ.

The greatest question however is: will mankind love God’s Word and live by it, so as to receive all the blessings and promises therein? The answer is A BIG NO! We can hardly make time for it. We are too busy worrying about life and satan than to tap from the Word of God, the strength and wisdom needed to carry through. We fail to see the privilege God has given us by making His Word accessible and easy to live by.

It is salvation to the sinner, peace for the troubled mind, healing to sick, strength to the weary, power to the weak, protection for the vulnerable, food for the hungry soul, water to the dry and thirsty, deliverance to the bound, liberty to the prisoner, joy to the mournful, righteousness to the repented sinner and life to the dying. More powerful than any scientific discovery or demonic spell. Yet theirs is wrapped in secrecy and God’s word, available to whosoever believes.

Kindly meditate on this word and begin to pray. Ask for some divine craving for the Word of God. That you will never feel at peace with yourself until you have fed your hungry soul with THE WORD, EVERYDAY.

And always remember that, this all knowing God is also the Alpha and Omega. He declares the end from beginning and makes known from ancient times what is STILL to come. His word will never change and the promises attached to them, will never fail. Hold dearly to it and activate it by faith. IT IS YOUR LIFE! See you at church.

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Categories: devotion,Today's Devotion