
Today’s Devotion
Topic: Pride
Self Assessment

Background: The adage that “pride goes before a fall” has become a cliché. We hypocritically use it to enrich our conversations. It makes us appear good before people. However, we never live by its imports. In our closets, we challenge the validity of this adage until we have fallen harder than we can express. Why should all proud men reject advice till they have fallen? For answers to this and the many lessons that pride can teach, let us delve straight into our weekly bible discussion.

Text: 2 Chronicles 26: 3- 5, 15- 22
Questions :

i. What is pride? How is it that people who are proud never admit that they are?

ii. In your opinion, what are some of the factors that contribute to pride? (read: verses 15- 16)

iii. How is it that we forget that all we are and have is from God and begin to “puff up”? (Verses 4- 5)

iv. Read verse 5 again, how important are people like Zechariah in the life of every believer? (read: Prov 11: 14, Prov 15: 22, Prov 24: 6)

v. Pride can make a once committed believer very unfaithful to the Lord just as we see in verse 16. Discuss.

vi. In verse 17, we see how Azariah the priest and 80 other colleagues were courageous to confront the proud king who had overstepped his boundaries. Do you think our dispensation can boast of courageous leaders both in the church and secular world, able to confront evil till the name of the Lord is glorified? If yes, why? If No, Why?

vii. The Lord struck king Uzziah with leprosy. Does it mean the Lord will bring to justice any unrepented proud person? (Read James 4: 7, 1 Peter 5: 5-6, Proverbs 3: 34 & Proverbs 29: 23)

viii. What have you learnt from today’s study?

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