Lift Up Your Hands!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Lift Up Your Hands!
Text: Exodus 17:11-12

As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses’ hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up–one on one side, one on the other–so that his hands remained steady till sunset. Amen

Life is full of battles and there are several tactics and military strategies to winning them. Since we are not ignorant of the devices of the enemy, we must choose the best winning strategy. That way, the devil won’t pound on us unawares.

To the Israelites, as long as Moses’ hands were held up, they were winning. The lifting of his hands signified two things:
i. Total Surrender, Acknowledging the battle belongs to God: Here we surrender NOT TO THE ENEMY, BUT THE GOD OF THE ARMIES OF ISRAEL. It is HE that is invincible! The mighty warrior that fights all our battles into great victory.

ii. Surrender in Adoration: We lift our hands in WORSHIP/ ADORATION to signify the yielding of our bodies, hearts and souls to the Almighty God. We do so because of who He is. We surrender in WORSHIP to prove our worthless compared to HIS GREAT WORTH in every matter! In worship, we exalt Him as Lord over all we are and could ever be. He takes CONTROL and the enemy is in trouble.

It is therefore those who learn to lift their battles over to God and at the same time surrender their lives in absolute worship that continue to WIN. These people win in the home, at school, at work, in business, in the marriage or relationship and even in ministry.

Remember for as long as Moses’ Hands were lifted up to Jehovah, Israel was winning. BEGIN TO PRAY AND WORSHIP ALL YOUR BATTLES AWAY IN JESUS NAME! Rise Up, It’s Time For Church!

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