If You Knew The Gift Of God (Part 2)

Today’s Devotion
Topic: If You Knew The Gift Of God (Part 2)
Self Assessment (222)


Last week, we read about Jesus’ encounter with a Samaritan woman. Our study revealed a wonderful conversation between the two which ended with Jesus saying, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

What is to be the woman’s response to this? How is this conversation to progress? And what are we to learn and apply to our lives? Call the family together and let’s delve into God’s treasure-filled Word.

Text: John 4: 15- 18

15 The woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”

16 He told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.”

17 “I have no husband,” she replied. Jesus said to her, “You are right when you say you have no husband.

18 The fact is, you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have just said is quite true.” Amen

1. According to verse 15, the woman said to him, “Sir, give me this water so that I won’t get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”

a) Why did the woman say this? Was she physically exhausted from continually coming to the well, was she tired of what people had to say about her, or was she just so thirsty?

b) What water was Jesus talking about? Do you think the woman really understood this?

c) What does this statement reveal about our relationship with God, once we have come to believe in Him through His Son Jesus Christ?

2. In verse 16, Jesus told her, “Go, call your husband and come back.” Is there any correlation between this instruction and their conversation? Why would Jesus say this to her?

3. Kindly read verses 17 & 18 again:

a) In your opinion, why did the woman answer this question truthfully, even though she knew she was talking to a stranger?

b) From Jesus’ response, what kind of life was this woman living? What do you think she was looking for?

c) In today’s world, who can we liken the woman to? What does she reveal about our lives as humans?

4. What have you learnt from today’s discussion?

Kindly share your answers with us through this same social media platform (WhatsApp/Facebook). We also learn a lot from what you share.

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Categories: Self Assessment