Today’s Devotion
Topic: The Path To Good Success.
Text: Joshua 1:8.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shall have good success. Amen.
So many of us, if not everyone, wish to become great individuals of influence in our society with all the necessary power, honour and wealth that come with being influential and powerful.
We are, however, seen to lurk so far into the world of fantasy, developing nice, yet unsustainable and unrealistic principles that should lead us to achieve such high greatness by the next day.
Again, our definition of prosperity and success has been limited to riches and material gains. A person must be successful with fleets of cars, houses, jewellery and properties that cost a fortune.
Prosperity or success, however, entails so much more than that; with priceless gifts like salvation, righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost; good health, trans-generational blessings, God’s forgiveness, God’s mercy, favour, godly and responsible children, etc.
The key to lasting prosperity and good success is by MEDITATING ON THE BOOK OF THE LAW and OBSERVING TO DO ACCORDING TO ALL IT SAYS. It is after doing these that the Lord promises in His Word that we shall be prosperous.
Good success doesn’t come by fulfilling just one part of the principle, but both. When we have done so, we become like trees planted by the rivers of water, that bring forth its fruit in its season. Its leaves don’t wither and whatever we do prospers.
That means the way the Lord prospers us when we take His word and live by its commands, is not the kind that lasts for just a while, but the kind that is everlasting. Think about this and begin to pray now. Ask for grace to hunger and thirst for the Word. With the spirit of obedience to observe to do all that is written therein. That is the path to good success; that is LIFE!
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