Then the Jews said, “See how he loved him!” Amen
Jesus was moved by deep emotions when He got to the house of Lazarus, His good friend who had died a few days earlier. The Jews started discussing among themselves “See how he loved him!”
They were amazed that Jesus still demonstrated strong loved for His friend even beyond death. Well, That is the kind of FRIEND JESUS IS. No wonder Jesus raised Him up. His love for us is much stronger than death.
Why do you allow the challenges of this life to blind you of the realities of His love at work in you. You see, while you cry and think all hope is lost, the rest of us sees nothing except for the strong love Jesus continues to lavish on you each day.
For because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed. His compassions never fail. They are new every morning. It is in the peace you enjoy, the inexplicable Joy that surround and the Hope He gives for tomorrow.
Is that not the reason for the roof above your head, food on your table eachday, shoes on your feet, clothes that keeps you warm and a great life to share with your family and loved ones? See how He Loves you.
Begin to thank Him for this Love as you pray that this unfailling Love ressurrects any dead element in your life today!
Ok then, start preparing, no excuses… It’s Church Time!
(Y- Outreach Network,; fbk: Yon Here, 4Jband, Zoe-Mag Here)