Praise The Lord!

Today’s Devotion
Topic: Praise The Lord!
Text: Psalm 113: 1- 3

1 Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, you His servants; praise the name of the Lord. 2 Let the name of the Lord be praised, both now and forevermore. 3 From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised. Amen

We, the family of Christ, used to greet each other with this amazing truth whenever we met. One believer sees another and would immediately call out “praise the Lord”, and the other responds “hallelujah” or “Amen”. Instead of the usual “good morning” or “good afternoon”, this was how they greeted each other in love.

They were not being overly religious, they were only reminding each other that God is worthy of our praise, and that the reason for our very existence is to praise Him with every fibre in us.

Those people of old were very spiritually discerning. They perceived without struggle that their personal circumstances did not affect or change the nature of God. They praised God through the good and bad. They praised Him from the rising of the sun, while they get ready to set off to work, till the setting down of the same, when they retire to bed.

Mothers sung hymns of adoration to our great God while tidying up the house or cooking in the kitchen. Fathers were heard humming praises while at home. They played praise songs (from the stereo), so loud until the whole house was filled with the praise of Our God and King.

Unfortunately, this natural flow of praises stemming from our very hearts to God is fading away. Each of us gets on to our mobile phones the moment we are up from sleep and rather browse the whole time as we attend to one task or another at home. With our hands and minds busy from chatting and playing games, there remains little time to praise God while we work.

Well, one man who is sure to be disappointed with our negligence of praise is David, the famous king of Israel. He understood both the need to praise and the power behind praise. He praised God from the depths of his very soul. He praised God with his song; praised Him with his harp, praised Him with his dance, praised Him with his life. When he had to share with us his reason for living a life full of praise to our God, this is what he said:

“The Lord is exalted over all the nations, His glory above the heavens. Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth? He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; He seats them with princes, with the princes of His people. He settles the childless woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the Lord.” (Ps 113: 4-9)

Meditate on this word, beloved. Repent of not praising your Maker dutifully. If everything that has breath praises God, then we cannot do otherwise. As long as we happen to be alive, we owe the Lord the praise due His name. Also remember how He’s raised you from the dust and ash heap and set you among princes, and begin to praise Him. Ask for grace to make praise your lifestyle.

Even on your dying day, when there’s nothing else to say; may the praise in your heart continue with you unto eternity in Jesus name.


Categories: Today's Devotion