This is a sensational and dynamic 20 member Christian band that ministers the Word of the Lord in grace and power.Its membership comprises young and dedicated christian musicians whose love and passion for the Lord Jesus is even in their delivery and ministrations.All members of the Band are and must be born again christians who understand the sacrificial and evangelism nature of the ministry, and as a matter of necessity must be a member of Y.O.N
The band is not too particular about the musical experience of new entries as it has an internal policy of training and grooming talents for the use of our master Jesus Christ.The Y(outh) Outreach Network organises bi-annual concerts for the band, one in December and the other in mid-year(June/July).The band also accepts invitations to other christian events like revivals,crusades,launches, weddings,etc..
Our ministrations have been on several platforms and auditoriums such as the National Theatre of Ghana,the University of Ghana Great Hall.
These wonderful people make up the 4JBand……
Have anything to share with the band? Kindly leave your comments in the comment box below;