Juxpose this John 5:6 with Matthew 9:9.

God has no regard for human privacy as you claim. The passage teaches several things instead. About from humans being free moral agents;it’s a total indication of how merciful God is to man even in our hopeless situations. Do your due diligence to check the background of this bible story–Jesus had done this for the purpose of winning more souls and to let the sick now that the power of miracle succeeds where medicine succumbs.
Jesus and God for that matter would always want us to say what we need,including the forgiveness of sin, so they will be granted us. It has nothing to do with privacy my fellow Christians. Peter was commanded to leave his job without asking if he will or will not. Paul the apostle was arrested by God Himself on his way to kill believers (no privacy issue there–he was even blinded and started crying). Jesus has not changed–He is the same yesterday today and forever more. I would want whoever posting these devotional messages to put them into context and above all do a biblically informed research before putting them on this platform since is a very good idea in the dirty world we leave in. SELAH!!

Categories: Today's Devotion